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Why Choose Us

Because of the profound and trustworthy reputation, A.G.Chem managed to write its name in the Egyptian market with letters of Gold. Its high standard quality product and strictly followed safety procedures has strongly convinced distinguished and reputable international brands such as Carrier, Sharp, Toshiba, York, BMW, Mercedes and many other international companies to mainly rely on A.G.Chem in providing their most crucial item refrigerant gases. Names such as Carrier, Sharp, Toshiba, BMW, and other international brands are not willing to jeopardize their reputation and lose their customers trust, therefore they choose the best.

Because of our full understanding to national and international standards and conditions, A.G.Chem has the potential to satisfy and meet all requirements and deadlines for customers, wherever and whenever they are, for this they called: A.G.Chem is The Pioneer of Refrigerant Gases in Africa
We would like to point out that AG chem is a Member of the Standing Committee to supervise Standard Specifications for refrigerants at Egyptian Organization for Standardization and Quality

Our Mission

Expand AGChem's presence to include Gulf area and Black Africa where AGChem becomes the sole distributer of clean ,eco-friendly high quality refrigerant gases Refill all types of HCFCs ,HFCs & HCs in available sizes of containers ranging from 20 metric tons to 250 grams and delivering them in a safe, reliable, efficient and environmentally sound manner globally and regionally ,being the first to adopt replacements and eco-friendly versions of refrigerant gases whenever available.

Our Vision

"Ultimately If AGChem can get customers to associate the BTTRIGas brand with the absolute best service, It can expand into other product categories including refrigeration components and other chemicals locally manufactured in Egypt affordable and reachable for everyone everywhere for a better Egypt and a better Earth"
